Saturday, 22 February 2014

Flipped Classroom Concept in 10 schools of Patiala

Flipped Classroom

The whole class is divided into two groups that are experimental and control group. If there are 2 section in a class, 1 sections should be taught under flipped concept and 2nd in regular traditional way to gauge the impact.  

                Teacher is shown Educational videos/ edukit projects are shown before 1-2 days atleast 2-3 times to students of experimental group before actual class transactions. Teacher are also explained to facilitate the class in flipped methodology. 

             On the second side, teacher teaches the rest class or control group with traditional method. After the completion of the topic, teacher ask the questions from the topic according to 6 levels of thinking(Lower Order Thinking and Higher Order Thinking) from both groups to check the understanding of students.


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